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热门动漫推荐:野良神 | 重装武器 | 画江湖之灵主 | 精灵梦叶罗丽4 | 元气勇者3 | 疯狂动物城


月丹  2018-02-03 12:47:09  手机版





  唱响童年 唱出了梦想

  说好了 你要为我鼓掌

  唱响童年 唱出了希望

  不要怕 我有我的能量 我的能量

  小小的舞台 在闪着光

  大大的希望 就在前方

  拿起麦克风 大声的歌唱

  我就是 非常小孩的榜样

  五彩的世界 像棒棒糖

  想象的翅膀 总要飞翔

  最美的童声 就像太阳

  我就要 绽放那耀眼的光

  唱响童年 唱出了梦想

  说好了 你要为我鼓掌

  唱响童年 唱出了希望

  不要怕 我有我的能量

  唱响童年 唱出了力量

  一起来 来做那K歌之王

  唱响了童年 唱出梦想


  小小的舞台 在闪着光

  大大的希望 就在前方

  拿起麦克风 大声地歌唱

  我就是 非常小孩的榜样

  五彩的世界 像棒棒糖

  想象的翅膀 总要飞翔

  最美的童声 就像太阳

  我就要 绽放那耀眼的光

  唱响童年 唱出了梦想

  说好了 你要为我鼓掌

  唱响童年 唱出了希望

  不要怕 我有我的能量

  唱响童年 唱出了力量

  一起来 来做那K歌之王

  唱响了童年 唱出梦想



  Sing a dream of childhood and sing a dream

  It's good that you have to applaud for me

  Sing the hope of childhood

  Don't be afraid I have my energy, my energy

  The small stage is flashing light

  The great hope is in front of it

  Pick up the microphone and sing loudly

  I'm an example of a very little child

  The colorful world like lollipops

  The wings of imagination are always flying

  The most beautiful boys like the sun

  I'm going to bloom the dazzling light

  Sing a dream of childhood and sing a dream

  It's good that you have to applaud for me

  Sing the hope of childhood

  Don't be afraid I have my energy

  Singing the strength of childhood

  Together to do the Kingmv

  Sing a dream of childhood and sing a dream

  Say (say well) you have to applaud for me

  The small stage is flashing light

  The great hope is in front of it

  Pick up the microphone and sing in a loud voice

  I'm an example of a very little child

  The colorful world like lollipops

  The wings of imagination are always flying

  The most beautiful boys like the sun

  I'm going to bloom the dazzling light

  Sing a dream of childhood and sing a dream

  It's good that you have to applaud for me

  Sing the hope of childhood

  Don't be afraid I have my energy

  Singing the strength of childhood

  Together to do the Kingmv

  Sing a dream of childhood and sing a dream

  Say (say well) you have to applaud for me


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