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热门动漫推荐:野良神 | 重装武器 | 画江湖之灵主 | 精灵梦叶罗丽4 | 元气勇者3 | 疯狂动物城


冯加城  2018-07-19 14:52:32  手机版






  Like a river like a river sh

  Like a river like a river sh

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  How do we fall in love

  Harder than a bullet could hit ya

  How do we fall apart

  Faster than a hair pin trigger

  Don't you say don't you say it

  Don't say don't you say it

  One breath it'll just break it

  So shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver

  Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Choke this love till the veins start to shiver

  One last breath till the tears start to wither

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Tales of an endless heart

  Curses is the fool who's willing

  Can't change the way we are

  One kiss away from killing

  Don't you say don't you say it

  Don't say don't you say it

  One breath it'll just break it

  So shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver

  Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Choke this love till the veins start to shiver

  One last breath till the tears start to wither

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Like a river like a river

  Like a river like a river

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Like a river

  Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver

  Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river

  Choke this love till the veins start to shiver

  One last breath till the tears start to wither

  Like a river like a river

  Shut your mouth and run me like a river


  据悉,新版流星花园的片尾曲和旧版的一样,都是由戴佩妮演唱的《你要的爱》。主题曲叫做《For You》。

  当年《流星花园》的主题曲《情非得已》,唱出了怕自己会爱上对方的情非得已;而今2018年的青春爱恋,应该以《For You》投直球般的告白,来展现这个世代的爱情态度,以及新版《流星花园》这部剧里的人物感情观,让观众在观赏这部剧之前,就以此主题曲,开始酝酿这部剧的气氛,自然带入剧中情感。

  此前公开的预告片中,杉菜与道明寺的种种纠葛引起了外界的强烈期待,杉菜最初对道明寺的抵抗心理也一目了然,但在《for you》MV中,杉菜主动给道明寺喂饭,还回应了道明寺的索吻,他们在雨中挽手奔跑的场景也甜进了观众心里,二人感情升温的过程不禁引人遐想。“菜寺场CP”日久生情的画面将何时在剧中出现?


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